Since I am now a student at Hasso-Plattner-Institute, I learn a lot about computer science on a daily basis. Anyway, I found a few topics I might look at outside of university:
programming practices: I would like to get more into the how of the software development process since it will not be covered until 4th semester. Books I’d like to read are The Pragmatic Programmer and Test Driven Development: By Example which are supposedly “must-reads” for programmers.
systems programming languages: Having worked a lot with Go recently (there will be a post in a few months), I realized that I love spending time with compiled languages since they are very fast and you have less problems than if you were doing web programming. I would like to look more into systems programming languages, especially the non-garbage-collected ones (C++ and Rust), because I have not had much experience with these yet. A book I plan on reading is A tour of C++ which is a guide through modern C++ land.
I’m also very excited for the upcoming semester in which I will be able to choose between software basis systems, e.g. databases, human-computer interaction, process-oriented information systems or web technologies.